Having quality service and parts are essential to all businesses. That’s the main reason we see a lot of transfer tools move to new plastic injection molding companies. Universal Plastics recently had a company transfer their tool to us for our know quality service. Universal Plastics has many decades of experience managing transfer tool projects. Our engineers and project managers helped reduce uncertainties with this transfer tool so that they could get back to steady production with an experienced plastic supplier. We also saved them money and provided a higher-quality part with our Gas Assist Injection Molding technology.

When the transfer tool arrived, the engineers immediately spotted concerns from the current design. Our engineering department provided a Design For Manufacturability (DFM) to the customer and a remodeled part. The DFM included recreating the nominal wall, and adding a gas port and gas channels to maintain the current boss design and pack out sink marks from the bosses left on the show surface. It was determined that the gas port would need to be milled off of the part post-molding. This is a common secondary operation, for smaller parts that fit inside an assembly. We worked closely with the customer to make sure the part did not create any interference in the final assembly.

The end result was a flawless looking plastic part. The overall part weight reduced, which lowered the part price, and we produced better quality parts. The customer is happy to be back in production and has awarded Universal Plastics more business.

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